포헤어 핵심경쟁력 메인이미지
Hair grows and life changes. This is what we do best

Changed your single day is more important than the 36-year history of FORHAIR

포헤어 핵심경쟁력 소개이미지1
FOR HAIR Day after day,
we fight for 0.01mm and we cannot afford a moment's delay.

A perfect graft survival rate,
we can achieve

We agonize endlessly over the issues of whether to make a 1.05mm punch slightly deeper or to marginally alter a 1.1mm slit angle.

It is what FORHAIR does every second of every day. FORHAIR has been pioneering development of the original technology for FUE hair transplant over the last 36 years, has been doing every day over the last 17 years, and continues to do today as the company that developed the surgical method most appropriate for Koreans.

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FOR LIFEWe focus on how to improve your life than how much hair to transplant.

Life gets easier,
and I become more myself

How naturally and comfortably you can lead your daily life is more important to us than how many hair follicles should be implanted.

People who are remembered as having a good image without having to make any effort, having a natural hairstyle without too much styling, and a face that makes one feel comfortable and good just by looking at it. For such changes and impression, FORHAIR fully concentrates on you for the entire process, ranging from the collection, implantation, and design of hair follicles to the post-surgery management.

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FOR MANPOWER We perform surgeries exceptionally well. This is the reason FORHAIR is the industry forerunner.

Professional system based on skilled and thorough experts

FORHAIR is the best FUE hair transplant group in the world, with personnel who perform surgeries exceptionally well. Experts equipped with a high level of understanding and proficient surgery know-how are teamed up like a representative national team.

FUE hair transplant is a surgical procedure that takes a long time, with an entire day spent for a single patient—in excess of 6~8 hours. Therefore, it is essential for the hospital to be equipped with surgical systems that can induce the best level of concentration and physical condition of the medical staff. An attitude for handling each hair follicle and each patient carefully and tenacity to maintain concentration are also necessary.

Teamwork among surgeons and nurses who collaborate harmoniously over a prolonged period of time, and professional staff trained close to perfection: these are the reasons why FORHAIR is the foremost institution for hair restoration.

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FOR TRUTH Producing the best results with honest surgical procedures.
This is the truth.

A thousand hearings are not worth one seeing. Our results speak for themselves.

We are well aware that hair transplant is a surgical procedure associated with a truly wide range of controversial issues. Erroneous information and misunderstandings have created dichotomous disputes about surgical methods. In the meantime, patients have been confronted with the increased hardship of having to make decisions on their own.

We believe it is important to ensure problems do not occur. We plan surgery that is perfect for each individual through honest examination and diagnosis to produce satisfactory results as promised.

FORHAIR will, as we have always done, produce the best results using the method we do best. This is our truth.

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FOR VISION Your facial impressions become brighter and your life becomes more enjoyable.

It is time for small but surprising changes

FORHAIR does not aim for something grandiose: Small change that will be brought to you after having hair strands implanted one by one.

It would be great if you can proudly look at yourself in the mirror, mingle with others without hesitation, and overflow with confidence in everything you do, thereby enabling you to laugh more often and lead a more joyous life.

This it our vision and passion, and the value that is deeply engraved in the hearts of all the staff at FORHAIR. It is sufficient for us that your daily life becomes happier due to such small change, even if we do not meet again.