Why For Hair for non-incisional procedures? image
What is better for patients? Reason of pursuing FUE hair transplant for 30 years

Technology evolves. Physicians need to proceed towards better outcomes and to strive to research ardently.

Since FORHAIR developed the FUE punching technique (CIT) and Non-shaven FUE (C2G) for the first time, FUE hair transplant has been establishing itself as the ideal method across the world.

Since the FUE method requires one-by-one collection of hair follicles, it requires higher levels of concentration, technique, and time than FUT hair transplant. Due to these reasons, there are many clinics that do not even attempt to offer the FUE hair transplant. However, it is inevitable that stagnant water will fester.

There is only one reason why FORHAIR has maintained its status as a specialized hospital for FUE hair transplant over the last 30 years. What is the method that is more advantageous for patients? This is the reason and purpose of our existence.

Q1FORHAIR FUE To prevent reduced density on donor area, we consider density even from the moment of hair follicle collection.

Density is important not only at the time of hair implantation. It must be ensured that the density in the occipital region does not fall too much even during initial follicle collection.

If collected intensively from a limited area, this can result in an empty area at the back of the head. While westerners have thin and high density hair, Asians have thick and relatively low hair density. Such difference must be considered even from the moment of hair follicles collection.

FORHAIR has managed to reduce this drop in density and elevated natural appearance in the occipital region through its use of the FUE method optimized for Koreans.

Technological capability that won the Golden Hair Follicle Award from the World Hair Restoration Association
Partial shaving CIT image Partial-shaven FUE, CIT
(Cole Isolation Technique)

Hair follicles are collected without damage via automatic punch process that FORHAIR developed, partially shaving only the area of hair follicle collection, and avoiding incisions.

Without shaving C2G image Non-shaven FUE, C2G
(Cole Isolation Technique 2nd Generation)

The most highly evolved surgical method pioneered by FORHAIR. It cuts the hair strands of the hair follicles to be collected to a short length of 1~2mm without having to shave hair

image Maximum effects with the
minimum number of hair follicles

Surgery efficiency is increased by collecting hair follicles with 2~3-hair strands rather than single strand follicles.

25% of the partially shaven area collected image 25% of the partially shaven donor area

In excess of 75% of the residual density of existing hair is maintained by collecting hair follicles from a wide area of the partially shaven part of head.

Partial shaving in the occipital region image Partial shaving in the occipital region
Immediately after partial shaving image Immediately after partial shaving
Q2FORHAIR FUE Sharp punching blade used to prevent cutting hair follicles.

A sharp punching tip is a double-edged sword. If the punching tip—that is, the blade of the punch—is sharp, it can cleanly cut out skin tissue.

It is possible to pull the hair follicles out stably since there is no twisting of the skin. However, if the surgeon lacks the skill to handle the punch expertly, hair follicles can be damaged by the sharp blade. Accordingly, some surgeons elect to use duller blades. 

However, a dull blade cannot cut out skin tissue cleanly. Skin will be pressed or twisted, thereby changing the direction of hair follicles and increasing the rate of cutting. As such, more cuts will be made and the graft survival rate will also fall.

The fact that FORHAIR uses sharp punching tips is an indication of the superior technical capabilities of our surgeons.

image Rate of cutting hair follicles increased
due to skin deformation
when dull blades are used
image Injuries minimized through
clean collection of hair follicles
by using sharp blades
Q3FORHAIR FUE Advanced Punching Technique
Angle, direction, depth and rotation. They are set all differently.

FORHAIR offers an unparalleled punching technique that can prevent hair follicle damage.

Discerning the size and direction of invisible hair follicles at the time of collection via punching is the most important initial step in increasing the engraftment rate.

The resilience and hardness of the scalp differs for each individual.  As one’s skin is pressed by a finger, the surrounding skin also gets pushed. It is the same with the scalp. As such, it is not possible to use robots or machines for hair transplant due to the differing characteristics of each hair follicle on each individual’s scalp. 

Punching angle adjusted
to fit scalp characteristics.

Depends on individual’s scalp characteristic, FORHIAR modify SLIT punching angle predicting the change of implanted follicles direction due to skin transformation

If the scalp is soft image If the scalp is soft

If the skin gets compressed at the time of punching, the direction of hair follicles will also be compressed. As such, shallow punching is used to prevent follicle damage

Punching angle adjusted
to fit scalp characteristics.

Depends on individual’s scalp characteristic, FORHIAR modify SLIT punching angle predicting the change of implanted follicles direction due to skin transformation

If the scalp is hard image If the scalp is hard

Punching at an angle similar to that of the hair growth or adjustment of the angle by discerning hair follicle direction

Use of 1.05mm punch
appropriate for collection
of multi-stranded hair follicles

2~4 hair strands grow as a group out of a single hair follicle, and the shape and thickness of hair follicles differs between individuals. FORHAIR generally uses a punch with a diameter of approximately 1.05mm and prevents damage to hair follicles by using punches with different internal diameters according to individuals’ hair follicle characteristics.

0.8mm punching image 0.8mm punching

Appropriate for collection of single-stranded hair follicles due to the small diameter. High possibility of damage at the time of collection of 2~3-strand hair follicles

Use of 1.05mm punch
appropriate for collection
of multi-stranded hair follicles

2~4 hair strands grow as a group out of a single hair follicle, and the shape and thickness of hair follicles differs between individuals. FORHAIR generally uses a punch with a diameter of approximately 1.05mm and prevents damage to hair follicles by using punches with different internal diameters according to individuals’ hair follicle characteristics.

1.05mm punching image FORHAIR 1.05mm punching

Appropriate for collection of 2~3-strand hair follicles. Can obtain an abundance of tissue around the hair follicles as well.

Use of 1.05mm punch
appropriate for collection
of multi-stranded hair follicles

2~4 hair strands grow as a group out of a single hair follicle, and the shape and thickness of hair follicles differs between individuals. FORHAIR generally uses a punch with a diameter of approximately 1.05mm and prevents damage to hair follicles by using punches with different internal diameters according to individuals’ hair follicle characteristics.

1.3mm punching image 1.3mm punching

Although collection of hair follicles is easier due to the larger diameter, this will generate greater damage by detaching more tissues in the surrounding.

Punching depth for hair
follicle extraction

The ideal extraction is punching as deep as possible to pull out a graft gently without a feeling of ripping out the tissue or damaging hair follicles.

60~70% of their length image

Complicated punching technique If the scalp is young and soft, the optimal punching depth to prevent damage to hair follicles is 60~70% of their length

Punching depth for hair
follicle extraction

The ideal extraction is punching as deep as possible to pull out a graft gently without a feeling of ripping out the tissue or damaging hair follicles.


If the patient is older and the scalp is hard, the optimal punching depth to prevent damage to hair follicles is greater than 80% of their length

FORHAIR unique punching direction for preventing damage to hair follicles

Generally a punch rotates at a speed of 3,000RPM to cut out the tissue. Although FORHAIR generally uses a single directional rotation mode, this is adjustable to dual-directional rotation depending on scalp properties.

Single directional rotation mode image Single directional rotation mode(Rotation mode)

It is commonly used mode for punching and as the direction of hair follicles can twist when the surrounding skin tissue is squashy, surgeon’s punching technique is very important. direction as the punch rotates. As such, the surgeon’s technique when handling the punch is very important

FORHAIR unique punching direction for preventing damage to hair follicles

Generally a punch rotates at a speed of 3,000RPM to cut out the tissue. Although FORHAIR generally uses a single directional rotation mode, this is adjustable to dual-directional rotation depending on scalp properties.

Dual directional rotation image Dual directional rotation (Oscillation Mode)

Punching blades rotate left and right to cut out the tissues and RPM can be adapted for each scalp type. Since the rotating axis can be shaken, surgeon’s technique is highly required to control it.

Q4FORHAIR FUE Technique of preserving abundant surrounding tissue ensures collection only healthy and good hair follicles.

FUE hair transplant in its early stages could not collect sufficient tissue surrounding the collected hair follicles because shallow punching only was used in order to avoid damaging hair follicles.

FORHAIR through our prolonged period of experience and superior expertise, extracts as much surrounding tissue as possible. This serves to safely produce and increase the graft survival rate.

The same rationale used when transplanting surrounding soil together with the roots when repotting plants is applied also to hair implantation As the soil functions to prevent damage to the roots, surrounding tissue also plays the role of protecting hair follicles. Since hair follicles are highly fragile, they can easily be dried out or damaged when extracted from the body. FORHAIR further increases the engraftment rate by implanting hair follicles together with an abundance of surrounding tissue.

Existing hair follicles collected through the non-incisional method image Existing hair follicles collected
through FUE method

High possibility of damage to hair follicles due to inadequate amount of surrounding tissue

Existing hair follicles collected through the non-incisional method image Hair follicles collected through
FORHAIR's FUE method

Due to the abundance of surrounding tissue through deep punching, there is almost no damage to hair follicles.

Q5FORHAIR FUE Are the collected hair follicles healthy? The entire process is examined under a high-magnification microscope.

“Although a lot of hair follicles were implanted, the hair has not grown well.” There actually are many patients with such complaints.

Even if a lot of hair follicles are implanted, hair will not grow well if the follicles, the roots, have been damaged. Therefore, it is necessary to examine whether the collected hair follicles are healthy or damaged under a high-magnification microscope. However, there are many clinics that conduct surgery simply under the naked eye without the use of microscopes because hair follicles are visible to the eye.

However, FORHAIR prevents all damage to hair follicles by using a high-magnification microscope for the entire processes.

Why do hair follicles get damaged?
  • Collect hair follicles without damage image

    Straight hair follicles

  • Damaged hair follicles image

    Curly hair follicles like octopus tentacles

Shapes and sizes of hair follicles under the scalp differ widely. Some hair follicles are straight while others are extended like the legs of an octopus. As such, if hair follicles are punched in uniformly at the same size regardless of their individual characteristics, they can be damaged. FORHAIR prevents damage to hair follicles through the use of suitable punches, by checking the properties of hair follicles for each area of the patient’s scalp.

Why do our surgeons always wear high-magnification loupes?

All the surgeons at FORHAIR in principle use a ‘loupe’, a high-magnification microscopic lens, throughout the entirety of the surgery to increase the hair follicle engraftment rate. Since not only ordinary hair but also soft, fine hair has its characteristic direction, it is necessary to implant them delicately in their original direction through use of a microscope. As such, it is unavoidable that hair follicle damage rate will increase if surgery is executed under the naked eye alone. This adherence to basic principles is the reason for FORHAIR high graft survival rate.

FORHAIR’s secret to transplant
healthy hair follicles?

Professional hair follicle administrators with minimum experience of 3~5 years who have undergone the strictest training work full time at FORHAIR. Since hair follicles will be damaged even if exposed to air for just 60 seconds, these administrators select only healthy hair follicles within seconds through examination under a high-magnification microscope. FORHAIR has a cooling system on the floor, unlike other clinics, to further prevent damage.

Q6FORHAIR FUE Systemic surgical system We implant hair follicles quickly and accurately within 1 hour.

FORHAIR's competitiveness encompasses highly competent specialist personnel and a systematic surgical system. FUE hair transplant takes an average of 6~9 hours.

As such, the physical stamina of the surgeon must be considered, and highly harmonious collaboration within the surgical team must take place like clock work. It is realistically difficult for a single surgeon to execute the surgery for more than half a day alone. Moreover, it would be difficult to anticipate desirable results in light of the to high level of fatigue and reduced concentration of the surgeon. Surgeon competence, strictly trained specialist staff, and outstanding collaboration within the surgical team constitute strengths of FORHAIR that cannot be mimicked.

image Hair follicle implantation completed
in an hour via simultaneous collection,
examination, and implantation

Since the hair graft survival rate falls to 95% if exposed outside the body for about an hour, FORHAIR almost simultaneously executes collection, examination, and implantation of hair follicles to complete the procedure within 1 hour of follicle collection.

image Participation of 5~6 medical
staff for a single patient

At FORHAIR,one surgeon is in charge and four~five professional nurses collaborate to enhance the efficiency of surgery for just a single patient.

image Hair follicles kept in organ
preservation solution and
physiological saline solution

FORHAIR keeps hair follicles in organ preservation solution and physiological saline solution. Organ preservation solution is actually used in organ transplant surgery of the liver, etc. and is capable of preserving living hair follicles in their healthy state.

image Storage system maintains low temperature of 4º

FORHAIR stores the hair follicles at the low temperature of 4º,which is ideal for safe preservation of living hair follicles until the time of implantation.